About Barom Kagyu

*** Barom Kagyu Logo (Designed by 17th Karmapa)

Academic Institute (Shedra)

In 1235, Tishri Repa visited Danyen Kyaggang which is now the location of the Barom Kagyu Buddhist Academic Institute. The place name of Danyen Kyaggang has been historically documented and never changed throughout the centuries. While Tishri Repa is sleeping in a small temple there, Atisha appears to him in a dream and predicts that Barompa's teachings will be the jewel ornaments for the 18 branches of the Barom Kagyu lineage that started from Kumbhum monastery which his heart disciple Repa Karpo built. Therefore, Danyen Kyaggang is a sacred place where the prophecy of the Barom Kagyu lineage was made and after flourished throughout the land.

Tishri Repa built a small monastery 783 years ago at Danyen Kyaggang and does retreat in a cave nearby. Everyone from herders to Kings throughout the countryside became practitioners because of the profound teachings of Mahamudra particular to the Barom Kagyu lineage. The lineage was well known for its "Quick Path to Enlightenment" Text detailing the 13 essences of Mahamudra written by Barom Dharma Wangchuk, and "Guru Yoga" enhancing swift connections to the Guru.

In August 2007, the owner of that land, Khenchen Tashi Gyaltsen Rinpoche completed construction of a 32 meter high stupa to hold the precious relics of Buddha Shakyamuni that were given to him by his Lama the 12th Tai Situ Rinpoche. Khenchen Tashi Gyaltsen Rinpoche also adorned the interior of this grand stupa with statues, thankas and other treasures to represent the teachings of the Buddha.

In 2016/06/16 a general board meeting held by the BKBA was attended by all the Barom Kagyu monastery representatives within Tibet and also abroad. They discussed the importance of monastic education for the Barom Kagyu lineage and the need for a Buddhist University (Shedra) but had no land to build one and it was impractical to build one at every monastery.

Khenchen Tashi Gyaltsen Rinpoche, who was at that meeting, decided to donate his land, Stupa and all contents to the Barom Kagyu community. He felt very fortunate to make this contribution with such a rich 800 year Barom Kagyu history. Now with the Buddha's relics, it was unanimously agreed this is truly auspicious.

Shakyamuni Buddhas' enshrined relics within the Grand Stupa

Along with financial support received from Khenchen Tashi Gyaltsen Rinpoche, local Barom Kagyu monasteries according to their abilities, and Barom Kagyu supporters outside of Tibet planning and building began immediately.

Shedra site consecration

The BKBA manages and oversees all the construction, accounting and details involved in the development of the Shedra for all to benefit.

The Barom Kagyu Buddhist Academic Institute was 70 – 80% completed in 2023 and will be a learning facility for 500+ students from 40+ Barom Kagyu monasteries within Kham/Nangchen, other Tibetan provinces and international students interested in the Dharma.

Since the BKBA has received most of the financial support thus far from the Barom Kagyu community, they would like to share the merits and involve the international community to finish this important educational facility.

The Institute continues to do finishing work on the teachers and monks living quarters, classrooms, kitchen, simple furnishings and stocking with texts inside the Shedra. The Scripture Compilation project now has a functioning office with desks, computers, scanner/copiers within the Shedra. There is a water supply that is sufficient for construction and drinking if it is "settled" and boiled. The future community that will be housed will require a healthier and stable water supply that has a storage and filtration system. Outside, continued landscaping and fencing to keep out the cows and yaks who really like the new greenery.

Anyone who contributes to the development of the Barom Kagyu Buddhist Academic Institute increases their merits and enhances their karmic connections to Buddha's Relics, Barompa, Atisha, Tishri Repa and the entire Barom Kagyu lineage. These holy beings achievements and realizations are a powerful blessing. Even to just see and hear their names can bring positive imprints to our consciousness planting the seeds for our enlightenment and a better world for all beings.

We are grateful to iLotus Canada, also a non profit, for gifting us with our donation gateway. Your statement will read BKBA ILotus. We thank you in advance for your considerations and contributions.

Ancient Text

  because it was an 'oral transmission' lineage 

The Barom Kagyu lineage 

The Barom Kagyu lineage was thought by many that it had become extinct.....after the 14th century very few monasteries and nunneries existed and a few dedicated yogis and yoginis continued quietly in Himalayan hermitages...because it was an 'oral transmission' lineage, scriptures were also rare....catastrophes that left the remaining places of worship in ruins were not rebuilt. The locals knew. 

The western hemisphere  

The western hemisphere barely knew until the last 50 years, even with advancements in technology, there is little known about this lineage.

Scholars and Tibetologists who were researching, practitioners searching, and lineage masters realizing their heritage started to unfold, like a lotus flower opening in slow motion, each petal holding a rich and intriguing story.

Achievements and realizations unheard of in our modern day, yet all of it is possible....

We invite you to join us on this journey of unfolding a lineage heritage unlike any other in the world.


In 2015

The Barom Kagyu lineage was thought by many that it had become extinct.....after the 14th century very few monasteries and nunneries existed and a few dedicated yogis and yoginis continued quietly in Himalayan hermitages...because it was an 'oral transmission' lineage, scriptures were also rare... 

In 2015 it was unanimously agreed to search for the remaining texts, then copy, digitalize, preserve the texts, and in future distribute hard copies to the monasteries freely and have all the texts available on line. Surprisingly, 60 of the 70 volumes of texts have been recovered from several sources.

Twelve Barom Kagyu scholars

Twelve Barom Kagyu scholars stay at the the location we provided in winter months (6 – 7 months) to work on the texts from two weeks to a month. They work Monday to Saturday from 8a.m. to 6p.m. with a lunch break from 12 till 2. 



Community Hall

Why a Community Hall?

Our Previous Academic Institute Project was very successful and beyond our expectations in being built to lockup stage in one year and solely funded within our own monastic community (approx. $4,ooo,ooo USD). This kind of accomplishment without outside help is rare. Because of this, we are encouraged to continue to develop the Barom Kagyu Buddhist Academic Institute to fulfill the wishes of our teachers and community.

The traditional architectural design can accommodate large groups for various gatherings such as teachings, ceremonies, community based programs focusing on youth and elderly education and care.

The building will be 5 stories tall and 2,000sq. ft. The first floor will house the place of worship and all the supporting statues, altar materials, and lineage thankas. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor will be meeting rooms and classrooms. The 5th will be guest rooms for visiting teachers and scholars.

Professional architects, painters, artists, carpenters, and materials including statues, will be sourced locally (Tibet and China).

Our motivation is to provide our local and the global community a safe and spiritually nurturing environment in this historically rich monastic area. No matter where you come from or what spiritual journey you are on you are welcomed here.

Contact Us

Flying Mystics Foundation
2084 NY-145, Middleburgh, NY 12122, USA

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